Monday, October 26, 2009


last night i had a very very startling conversation with a 17 year old claiming to be a horse trainer... who claims to have been the one who started my stud horse shorty. when i picked him up he was maybe 12 hands and half starved... barely ready for me to start. he knew nothing. would not yeild to leg pressure would not take the bit and had no idea what a saddle was. the woman who had him before... angela said she had not even started him and had only taken him to barrel competitions and tied him to the trailer....

so this girl said she started him..... wow... so what i did was absolute crap really...
i didnt have him spinning i didnt have him sliding i didnt have him doing anything... it was all a 17 year old girl...... NOTE THE SARCASM.....

ok im done bitching gitta go

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